Games #2: Rules and Regulations by Merri-Todd Webster (22 April 2000) "Games have rules," Mulder said. He sipped his India Pale Ale. "Arbitrary rules and regulations agreed upon beforehand by the players. That's what makes them games. Right?" Scully sipped her Chardonnay. Pendrell's fingers tightened around the chunky glass of black-and-tan in front of him. "Right. So you're going to tell me the rules?" The other two agents nodded, and Scully answered. "The rules make it possible for us to function appropriately at work and still get what we need in our private lives." The huskiness of her voice reminded Danny Pendrell of how she had sounded as she came, the noises she had made while he was inside her, fucking her. He gulped at his black-and-tan and wiped foam off his mouth, feeling like a total rube. "Okay, then. Shoot." Mulder gave him a sardonic half-grin. "No, no shooting. But you can come armed, if you like." He put down his empty bottle and held up one finger. "First of all. The game is never played in anyone's home. Only on neutral territory. We've never met at Scully's or my place, and we won't meet at yours. Always at a hotel." "Isn't that expensive?" Danny dug into the potato skins the waiter had finally brought. Mulder shrugged dismissively. "Don't worry about it. I've got it covered." Danny remembered that rumor painted Mulder as privately wealthy, someone who could be freaky on the job because he did it for fun, not to actually make a living. "Besides, we don't do this every night, or even every week. "Second," he went on, grabbing a potato skin for himself, "no hint of the game at the office. No first names, no flirting, no suspicious touching. Scully and I don't play when we're traveling on a case. Work comes first." "Not a problem," Danny assured him. Scully took the smallest potato skin from the plate and bit into it, her eyes on Mulder. "Third, it's always a game. There's always a scenario. We don't just get together and have sex. Someone plans a scene to be acted out." Mulder glanced down at his partner. "So far Scully has just let me do the planning, but we're both agreeable to acting out something that you plan." Danny frowned, a little puzzled. "So what exactly do you mean by a scenario?" "Well, for example," Scully said, leaning forward onto the scratched oak table, "Mulder came up with the idea of introducing you into the game. He got my consent, and then he set the whole thing up. I didn't know ahead of time who would be joining us, only that on this occasion, someone else would be present, and I would have sex with that person. A scenario can be any experience you want to have, any fantasy you want to act out, as long as it includes all three of us in some way." Danny gulped some more of his drink and signaled the waiter for a refill. It sounded like a pretty strange set-up, but then, this was a pretty strange pair he was dealing with. They were talking about complicated sexual games with three players as calmly as they talked about aliens or exsanguinations or mysterious fungal apparitions in the lab. It was a strange set-up but, he thought, a good one. Sex with two extremely attractive, intelligent people, mutual respect all round, and nothing to distract from the job. No entanglements. That was what he'd been wanting, ever since he broke up with Cynthia. It was just what he needed. "Four," Mulder went on, going for another potato skin, "now that there are three of us, the three of us will always get together. If one of us wants to set up a scenario, the other two always have the right to decline. Either to say, 'I don't want to do that,' or just, 'I can't make it that night'. But nobody makes a date with another person without informing the third party. I don't have sex with Scully without telling you, or with you without telling her. And so on." Now that struck Danny as being really odd. Why would they bring him into this little partnership, anyway--why would they always want a third person? Everybody knew Mulder and Scully were tight, closer than most partners in a weird, chilly way that put other people off of trying to get to know one of them separately from the other. Maybe it was just their refusal to be separated in any way that led to this stipulation. "If one of us declines, just because they have a cold or something, would the other two go ahead and have sex?" Mulder and Scully traded telepathic glances. "Yes, that would be an option," Scully replied. "As long as the third person had been invited from the beginning, and knew what was going on." Mulder leaned forward and gave Danny a challenging glance. "So, Danny... do you think you can play by those rules?" Danny straightened up, pasting on his most confident smile. "Yes. Yes, I do." Mulder smiled--an astonishingly broad smile that showed large, even teeth, completely transforming the cast of his face. He stretched out his hand and Danny shook it, then Scully's hand. "Then it's a deal. Shall we go upstairs?" They settled their bill and then left the dark basement bar, climbing carpeted stairs with oak bannisters to a small room on the third floor. They were in a small hotel in Annapolis, in a very old building--a night in this hotel, and dinner later, were bound to cost big. But Mulder was footing the bill, and Danny willed himself not to care. Anything for the chance to have contact with people, to have sex with two of the most attractive people he had ever met. The door to the room actually had a metal key, not a card. Danny's hands were shaking, which was why he noticed how smoothly Mulder moved, putting the key in the lock. Mulder had planned a scenario for tonight, just like before. Mulder had decided ahead of time how things would proceed if Pendrell agreed to the arrangement, and, no doubt, how he and Scully would proceed if Pendrell declined. Of course, Mulder had planned things before, the first time he'd joined them, but Danny hadn't realized it then. He had seen it as a chance to have some pleasantly kinky sex, to enjoy the beauteous Dana Scully in the presence of her partner. He hadn't counted on enjoying the beauteous Fox Mulder, too, nor on there being a script behind the evening's pleasures. So he was more nervous now than he had been the first time--if that was possible. Sweat was trickling down his chest underneath his shirt as he followed Mulder into the dimly lit room. "So what's the plan for tonight?" he blurted out, instantly regretting it. Surely it blew the mood to talk about the scenario ahead of time. But then wouldn't you have to talk it over beforehand, to get everyone's consent? Mulder and Scully did not appear upset, however. They exchanged veiled smiles and then both approached Danny at once. Scully came up and took hold of the collar of his pink polo shirt with both hands. "Our plan for tonight," she purred, "is to gang up on *you*." She pulled him down with surprising strength and kissed him hotly, tasting of Chardonnay and of a slick astringency. As her tongue plundered his mouth, her arms twined around his neck, heavier arms wound around his chest from behind, and a mouth even softer and fuller than Scully's browsed on the back of his neck. Oh, God.... They were really serious about this. Did "ganging up" mean what he hoped it meant...? Best just to let thoughts go, let them do whatever they wanted. It was bound to feel good. Two pairs of hands were efficiently stripping off his clothes, never overlapping, never interfering with one another. He moaned aloud as Dana lapped at his nipples while Mulder tugged down his briefs. The two of them turned him round and round until Danny didn't know up from down, before from behind; he simply fell on the bed when Mulder pushed him and was grateful the bed was there. Abruptly he realized he was stark naked, with two fully clothed people looking down at him, amused little smiles on their faces. For a sick moment he was sure they had brought him to this point only to make fun of him, to laugh at his half-erect dick and then send him out pantsless into the night. Then Mulder turned away, touching Scully lightly on the shoulder as he did so, and retrieved a black leather case which he placed on the wide bed between Pendrell's feet. Scully, in the meantime, began to take off her clothes in a matter-of-fact way, watching Pendrell as she did so. Danny jumped, or thrust, or both, when Mulder's hand unexpectedly wrapped around his cock. The other man stroked him firmly, slowly, bringing him to full erection, then squeezed the head and let go. "Touch yourself, Danny," Mulder commanded, and began opening up the briefcase. It was a command, no question. Danny found himself staring into Dana Scully's alert, inquisitive gaze as he slowly jerked off, keeping himself erect, getting more and more turned on as she watched him masturbate while revealing more of her body. Her eyes roamed over him, intent, silently appreciative, occasionally flickering to Mulder just for a second, perhaps to check what he was doing. When she was fully naked, she came around to the side of the bed, propped one foot up beside Danny's lax hand, and began to rub her clit. The scent of her arousal spread through the air like the scent of hyacinths. Danny could hear himself panting. He'd never guessed he could be so turned on from watching and being watched, not even though he'd had sex with these two before. He wasn't touching Dana and she wasn't touching him, but they were both getting turned on. He hoped like hell he could keep from coming too soon. "Dana." They both looked at Mulder. He was holding out a dildo already placed in a harness and covered with a condom. "I want you to fuck Danny in the ass. Danny's cock is all mine tonight." Dana nodded, took the harness, and began to strap it on. Danny felt his face heating up, the flush spreading down his chest, as Mulder stripped, grinning down at him crookedly. Mulder was beautiful, just the sort of male beauty Danny liked--tall, lean, long-limbed. He liked men taller than he was, but not necessarily heavier, stockier. Mulder had a swimmer's body or a runner's--Danny knew he did both--with a light dusting of hair and a good-looking cock, long, not too thin or too thick, pointed at the tip. His skin had a faintly olive tone even in the palest, most sheltered places. As soon as Mulder was naked, they both pounced. Danny grunted as he was rolled briskly onto his side with Mulder before him and Dana behind. The tip of the silicon dildo nudged his thigh, then Mulder's longer, hotter erection brushed his groin. He looked into agate-green eyes that merged into one big green planet as Mulder moved in and kissed him. Danny moaned into the other man's mouth. Mulder kissed like a shark, aggressive, hungry, more than a little toothy. It was good. Dana's fingers were tracing swirly patterns up and down his back, from his shoulders to his thighs, her nails grazing his buttocks. All the hair on his body stood up. Danny's moans got louder when Mulder's lips left his and fastened on his neck. Dana's fingers were wet now, leaving his body and coming back to paint moist streaks that smelled of her pussy. He started to writhe, and four hands grasped him authoritatively. "Hold still." That was all Mulder said before sliding lower, his face to Danny's chest. He proceeded to work mercilessly on Danny's nipples, first with his lips and tongue, then with his fingers, then with his teeth. Every so often he rubbed his cock against Danny's legs, but he appeared to be in no hurry. Pendrell started to wonder if he might come just from Mulder playing with his tits. His mind was drifting, blissed out, quivering between pain and pleasure, when Mulder and Scully did another of those telepathic things. A wet fingertip brushed across his anus at the precise moment that a wet mouth closed around the head of his cock. Danny hung suspended in joyous torture as the mouth worked its way down, the finger worked its way in, at precisely the same speed. Scully's seeking finger grazed his prostate as Mulder's lips brushed his pubic hair. "Don't come," said a soft warning voice behind him. The finger withdrew and Mulder let him go, making him stifle a whimper of loss--until Mulder snapped a leather cockring carefully around his balls. "Don't come," Mulder repeated. He slipped off the bed and stood up, his back to Danny. Sweating, cold sweat crossing his burning skin, Danny watched Mulder bend forward and reach into the cleft of his buttocks. He was taking out a butt plug--a big butt plug. And in eerie synchrony, Dana Scully was pressing up against him, sliding the lubed dildo into his ass. He stared at Mulder, at the soft open pucker between two hemispheres of muscle. Mulder turned around, hand on his cock, and offered it to Danny's mouth. Danny sucked on it willingly, needing something to hang on to. He felt he was going to fly away, drift upward on the wind, like a tuft of dandelion silk. The tang of Mulder's skin grounded him, braced him against the burning pressure inside him as the dildo slid deeper. Then Mulder pulled away and moved to the briefcase again. Quickly, efficiently, he smoothed a condom onto Danny's cock and smeared it with lube. Dana's arms wrapped tightly around Danny and a slick hand held his cock as Mulder lay down again beside him and backed onto him. "Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus." It was a moment before Danny realized that was his voice whimpering aloud, taking the name of the Lord in vain. The leather strap held him so tightly, held off his orgasm, and the position he was in forced him to hold still while Mulder slid up and down on his cock, grunting with each stroke, and Dana ground herself against his back, the head of the dildo wedged against his prostate. They were both moving at their own pace, finding their own pleasure, heedless of him, and the thought flashed through Danny's mind that they were using him. As surely as Mulder was using his cock to fuck himself, as if it were another dildo, these two were using his body, his mind, to work out some weird thing going on between them. Mulder was speeding up, jerking himself off now, his voice rising higher with the strain. Please, Danny thought, please, he imagined himself tied to the bed with the dildo stuck in his ass, the leather strap bound around his balls, unable to move, unable to come, let me come, please let me come. Then a fierce ripple through Mulder's thighs and back, all the way up to the man's shoulders, let Danny know the other man was coming, and a small, deft hand slid between their grinding, sweaty bodies and stripped away the leather that kept Danny from coming. It was the most intense orgasm of his life, literally blinding him. Everthing went white, sounds turned into the dull roar that exists between stations on the radio, nothing registered to his senses except the searing tactile pleasure of his release. Mulder's inner muscles were still fluttering with his own climax as Danny let go inside him, and Danny could feel it, feel the other man go still as Danny lost control. There was a moment, afterwards, when he must have been unconscious; then, the stupid thought, It's better than sex. They lay there for a long time, still connected. At last Dana sighed and eased herself away. Mulder moved away and got up surprisingly easily. Danny reached with strengthless hands for the condom and managed to peel it off and tie it up. He was still sitting on the edge of the bed, naked and trembling, when Mulder and Scully, washed and dressed, left the hotel room. Scully touched his hair lightly and said, "Good night, Danny." Mulder walked out without a word. He sat there after the door closed. I don't care, he thought. I don't care. *** end